Computer Worm

Computer worms are a kind of virus designed to replicate into multiple copies and send those copies from device to device. Computer worms are capable of replicating in great numbers on their own and do damage, even if the user does not interact with them. 

Computer worm types

  • Internet worms: These are worms meant to attack sites with high traffic but low security. By infecting websites like these, the attacker can go on to infect users who visit without adequate protection. 
  • Email worm: An email worm can effectively spread through the creation and sending out of emails to every address in the target’s stored addresses. The emails contain malware attached to files that release their payload when the target opens them. 
  • File-sharing worm: A file-sharing worm is often created to pose as regular media files to trick industrial setups like sewage plants and utility services such as water and power supply.
  • Cryptoworm: Cryptoworm functions just like ransomware in that it can encrypt all the information on the target’s system and demand payment before undoing the encryption.
  • Instant messaging worm: This one works like an email worm, disguised in legitimate file attachments and recognizable links. It spreads via spam messages to the contact list of the infected victim.

Signs of a computer worm attack

  • Your hard drive keeps running out of space: Ensure you check your system for any suspicious space issues. Usually, computer worms multiply by replicating themselves and start using up free space on your hard drive.
  • Monitor your system’s performance and speed: Worms eat up your processing power, which slows down your machine and causes programs to crash or have issues with running properly.
  • New or missing files: A computer worm can modify, replace, or outrightly erase files on a computer.