Computer Network Attack

Computer network attacks aim to disrupt a system’s normalcy. They exploit any vulnerabilities in the hardware or software to bypass the system’s security. A computer network attack, for instance, can push malware across a network and execute DoS attacks. These attacks are quite troublesome to deal with because they demand a flurry of stringent and consistent protection measures.

Examples of computer network attack

  • Phishing attacks: Here, the attacker sends a series of deceptive emails posing as a legitimate and trusted source. The emails, however, contain harmful links that can latch onto your system and steal vital data. 
  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks: In this example, the attackers bombard a network with overwhelming traffic, preventing other users from accessing the network and thus disrupting normal operations. 
  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) assaults: The hackers covertly intercept and route the exchange of information between two parties. In doing so, they can spy on private conversations and even alter the information from one party to another, and ultimately steal the sensitive information. 
  • Ransomware attacks: Here, malware enters a user’s system, either through download or external installation, and encrypts the user’s files, making them inaccessible until a ransom is paid.
  • Drive-by downloads: This happens when you visit a website lacking in security, the chances of getting infested with some form of malware are very high. Whether by clicking a link or by simply being on the website alone.  The malware can then monitor, modify, or even steal private data.