Exploit-as-a-service (EaaS)

EaaS is a model in which cyber attackers offer others like themselves, hacking or exploit tools as a part of a service.

Examples of Exploit-as-a-service 

  • LizardStresser: This is a predominant DDoS-as-a-service (DaaS) website where attackers can rent and launch DDoS attacks at targeted websites or networks using a botnet of compromised devices.
  • Cerber ransomware: This platform provided a user-friendly interface that allowed cybercriminals to modify and disseminate ransomware campaigns, demanding cryptocurrency payments in exchange for decrypting victims’ files.
  • Blackhole exploit kit: This platform sold vulnerabilities in web browsers and plugins.
  • Zeus trojan: It provided attackers with a personalizable trojan with the ability to steal banking details and other sensitive data from compromised systems.
  • Avalanche botnet: This was an EaaS platform whose services included a comprehensive infrastructure for hosting various cybercriminal activities, entailing phishing campaigns, malware distribution, and money laundering.

How to prevent Exploit-as-a-service attacks

  • Frequently update your device: Ensure that your device, software, and operating systems are updated with the latest security patches.
  • Set up strict access controls: Use secure access controls to block unauthorized access to your device.
  • Stay up-to-date with trends: Acquaint yourself and your staff with the risks of EaaS and how they can help prevent it, too.
  • Track your traffic: Watch for any suspicious activities on your network traffic.