
Ghostware is a kind of malware outfitted to evade getting detected by regular antimalware software. It helps the hacker access the target’s private information, whether the target is a government body or a corporation. Since it is created to avoid antivirus detection, it can be very difficult to fix.

How can you recognize ghostware?

  • Suspicious network activity: Since ghostware depends on communicating with its control server to send out the extracted data, you should keep an eye out for signs of large data uploads or unauthorized connections.
  • Unusual processes: Monitor your “Task Manager” to identify any suspicious processes running in the background — they can tip off ghostware activities.
  • Alterations to settings or files: Ghostware can make alterations to files on the system or system settings without the user’s knowledge. 

How do you remove ghostware?

  • Install an antivirus: The use of antivirus software greatly reduces the likelihood of viruses like ghostware getting into a system. 
  • Rootkit removal tools: These help identify and erase ghostware that may be obscuring their presence on your system using rootkits.
  • Backup: You can restore your PC before the ghostware attack to remove the malware. 
  • Professional help: If the removal of the ghostware proves problematic, the only logical step would be to involve the services of a professional who is trained and experienced with such tasks.