Forever Day Bug

Forever-day bugs are software weaknesses that designers have no intention of fixing. Users are often better off avoiding the threat or actions that could trigger it. Unlike zero-day weaknesses, these bugs are never going to be addressed or fixed by the manufacturers — the software community does not even attempt to fix them either. 

However, this can be potentially dangerous for software users who have no prior knowledge of the weakness and even for those who know but haven’t taken the correct precautions.

Why do software developers leave forever-day bugs unfixed?

  • Fixing these vulnerabilities could cost a lot when you factor in development, testing, and sending out the patches.
  • Patching a security gap could result in compatibility issues, especially with existing software.
  • The manufacturers can conclude that the risk linked with the weakness is low, also assuming that it wouldn’t get exploited. 
  • If the software with the vulnerabilities is no longer in use or no longer supported by the developers, there’s no real incentive to design or release a patch for it. 
  • Smaller software developers or open-source projects often do not possess the resources needed to address all complaints of software promptly.
  • In a few cases, companies may decide not to fix certain issues for strategic purposes.
  • Developers may leave the work of fixing the bugs to the users, recommending steps and settings they can follow to evade the potential vulnerability risks.  

Where can you find forever day bugs?

  • System OS such as Linux, macOS, Windows, iOS, and Android.
  • Frequently used software applications, such as media players, office productivity suites, web browsers, etc.
  • Server software.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) devices, including industrial IoT devices, smart home appliances, and connected cameras.
  • Firmware that functions on multiple hardware devices, such as printers and routers.