Clipboard Hijacking Attack

Clipboard hijacking occurs when malware covertly intercepts and alters the data on your clipboard — both copied and pasted. These attacks are facilitated by the exploitation of flaws in the device’s OS. Clipboard attacks often involve the use of malware such as trojans and are oftentimes hard to distinguish from legitimate software.

The risks of clipboard hijacking

  • Hackers can access your accounts and retrieve sensitive information.
  • Any confidential information, including passwords or online banking details, can get stolen.
  • The attackers can use the extracted data to create fake profiles impersonating users.
  • Pilfered information can potentially lead to a huge loss of money.
  • With the stolen credentials, attackers can take control of your online accounts.
  • Hacks or breaches can damage your reputation and affect how much trust clients can afford you. 
  • This kind of attack can open your system to more malware and other related threats to your privacy and security.
  • Hackers can alter data before they paste it, resulting in mistakes and miscommunication.
  • Based on the content of the stolen data, there may be legal consequences.

Malicious apps for clipboard hijacking

  • TrickBot: Hackers can steal private information using this trojan. Information such as login credentials or credit card info. 
  • Zeus Panda: Zeus Panda is primarily used by cybercriminals to steal online banking login details.
  • Clipboard Ghost: This malware can intercept copied data and switching it out with an infected code or link.

Preventing clipboard hijacking

  • Install premium antimalware software to block and remove malware.
  • Be cautious when downloading any application, and make sure you download from trustworthy sources.
  • Conduct regular software updates.
  • Clear out the clipboard often to prevent any sensitive information from getting stolen.