IP Hijacking

IP hijacking, or BGP hijacking, refers to a malicious attack involving a hacker taking control of one or multiple IP addresses that otherwise belonged to other users. IP hijacking often features redirecting traffic to extract data or disrupt networks illegally. 

Examples of IP hijacking

  • Cyberattacks: Here, the hacker manipulates the routing protocol, essentially misdirecting internet traffic and resulting in either a denial of service attack or a data breach. 
  • Internet censorship: Organizations or institutions can use IP hijacking methods to redirect or block Internet users from accessing specific resources or websites.

Pros (for hackers) and cons (for users) of IP hijacking


  • IP hijacking works great for malicious actors because it aids them in illegally acquiring user data and allows them to disrupt a network and its services. 


  • Security threats: IP hijacking has the potential for major cybersecurity threats, such as service disruption, data theft, or illegal control over network resources.
  • Trust issues: IP hijacking can tarnish the trust in the Internet’s routing infrastructure.

How to prevent IP hijacking

  • Keep an eye out for any suspicious changes to your routing tables. 
  • Enable key security measures such as Border Gateway Protocol Security (BGPsec) and Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI).
  • Ensure you install a reputable VPN service to encrypt your online traffic so that it is less prone to IP hijacking attacks.