Browser Hijacking

Browser hijacking describes a situation where your browser settings are remotely altered without your consent. Browsers prone to this attack include Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer.

Browser hijacking is executed using hijackware, a kind of malicious software that is capable of altering your default homepage or primary search engine. It can also display loads of ads, change browser error pages, and so on.

Hijackware can get on your browser through a few ways like infected sites, spam emails, and downloading from unknown sources — a hacker can also directly install hijackware onto your device.

The dangers of hijackware do not end there. They can also install spyware, cause browser crashes, and negatively alter device settings.

Hijackware serves as a means to make money for the hacker, who would use the malware to generate ad revenue. 

Common signs of browser hijacking 

  • Slower response from your browser, especially in loading web pages.
  • Unfamiliar toolbars pop up even though you did not authorise or install them.
  • Every web search or key click gets redirected to spammy, unrelated websites.
  • Frequent appearance of pop-up ads with each browser session.
  • The default search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo) gets replaced with a similar-looking but corrupt one.