Clop Ransomware

Clop ransomware is a type of malware designed to encrypt the target’s files, making them unreadable pending the payment of a ransom. It was first identified in 2019 and belongs to a family of cyberattack software known as CryptoMix.

Clop ransomware has a unique mode of attack, quite different from other ransomware. While others attack random users and companies, it focuses on larger corporate entities. The clop ransomware attack is so devastating that it can disrupt whole industries, demanding large sums before releasing the decryption key.

Windows users are especially susceptible to this attack, which often utilizes advanced strategies to circumvent any security measures.

Examples of Clop ransomware 

There are many examples of clop ransomware, showing just how much reach the malware is capable of. But a very prominent example is that of a famous German manufacturer whose systems were infected. Their production lines were disrupted, resulting in a huge financial loss. 

Another example is a US-based university whose critical research files were the target of a Clop ransomware attack. The attackers demanded a large amount in Bitcoin before handing over the files.

Preventing and diminishing Clop ransomware

  • Regularly update antivirus software and firewall protection to fend off potential threats.
  • Conduct regular backups for all your crucial files, ensuring you store them in a secure, separate, and especially offline storage location to block any external access and prevent data loss.
  • Do not click any suspicious links. Always check before you open any emails and files, especially if you can’t confirm the sender.
  • Ensure you regularly update your device’s operating system. With each update, you guarantee adequate protection against any threats — whether new or old. 
  • Have your employees engage in frequent cybersecurity safety classes to inform them of the steps to take regarding any possible threats they must be prepared for.