Cyber Hygiene

These are the habits users should cultivate to keep their systems healthy and safe from any kind of cyberattacks. Think of it as protecting yourself against the many risks involved with accessing the internet daily.

Some cyber hygiene practices

  • Update your software frequently: Ensure that all of your device’s operating systems, applications and software are regularly updated. This would help stay a step ahead of any security threats.
  • Antivirus: The use of antimalware tools such as antiviruses will help keep your system free of malware. 
  • Use unique passwords: Create unique passwords for each of your accounts, avoid repeating one for all. Unique and secure passwords reduce the likelihood of a cyberattack. 
  • Set up Multi-factor authentication (MFA): Ensure your accounts are secured with multi-factor authentication, as this adds a layer of security that protects your account even if the attacker has your password. 
  • Backups: Set your device to automatically back up your sensitive files, or you can back them up manually to an external device. 
  • Only connect to secure Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi can be unsafe, and as such, it is not advised to connect to them. But if you must, you should always do so while connected to a VPN.
  • Limit third-party access: Ensure the amount of external access to your devices and accounts.
  • Email security: Only open emails from trusted and legitimate sources, phishing emails can be lurking in your inbox. 
  • Physical access: Make it so you are the only one with direct, physical access to your devices at all times.