Data Diddling

Data diddling is a type of cybercrime in which the attacker enters incorrect data into a document or system. This kind of cybercrime is often perpetrated by individuals and businesses trying to conceal profit for the sake of tax evasion. It could also be done to make it look like the business has more profit and customers than it does to trick banks into lending them money.

It can also be done to a business competition, accessing and modifying their data to hurt their reputation. Data diddling can be done remotely or physically by someone who has access to the system.

Other forms of cybercrime involve the theft or compromise of data that has been entered. Still, diddling modifies data at the entry point before the system processes it. 

Staying safe from data diddling

  • Antivirus: Since data modification can occur with the use of malware, it is advisable to protect your systems and networks with antimalware software.
  • Limit access: Reduce the number of external parties that have authorized remote and physical access to your networks and systems. This will in turn reduce the risk of insider threat.
  • Set up multi-layer authentication: If vital information like passwords or access codes leaks, multi-factor authentication would make the threat null and void.