Data Loss

This refers to the accidental or unintentional loss of stored data. The data could have been stored on any form of electronic device such as hard drives, phones, and computers.

Data loss can be a result of numerous factors, ranging from user error, natural disasters, malware attacks, power outages, and hardware failure. It can also have some pretty serious consequences like financial loss or damage to reputation.

How does data loss happen?

  • Hardware failure: If a hard drive’s memory fails or a different component malfunctions, data loss will occur. 
  • Corrupted software: The software on your device gets corrupted either with malware or perhaps its operational errors, and you can experience data loss. 
  • Data Theft: If cybercriminals gain access to your drives, network, or system, you can experience data loss — especially if you have not created a backup.
  • User error: Humans can unintentionally cause data loss through unorthodox practices or limited cybersecurity knowledge.  

Preventing data loss

  • Backup: Frequent backups will help limit the amount of data you can lose in a breach or mishap. This backup can be on an external drive or the cloud network. 
  • Software update: A regularly updated software is healthy and equipped to fight off any malware and keep your system free from any software glitches or flaws. Each update comes with a new security patch to meet with any new threats.
  • Antimalware software: Antiviruses are another great way to prevent data loss as they can readily assess device safety and keep out any malicious software intent on breaching user privacy. 
  • Email security: Avoid any emails from unverified senders, and be wary of suspicious links and attachments. Only click and open if you are sure of the sender.