Digital Fingerprint

Digital fingerprints are unique means of identification that hold key data about a user’s browser and the system they use to access the Internet. They are used to monitor and identify users. The downside is that companies do not require the user’s consent.

How do digital fingerprints work?

  • Websites document the info about the user’s browser and the settings using their fingerprinting software. 
  • The fingerprinting software makes use of tracking scripts to acquire this information from the user’s browser and device.
  • The scripts source multiple browser characteristics each time the user visits a website. The script takes note of bookmarks, font type, and size as well as language preferences. 
  • This data is then processed, hashed, and sent over to the server.

Cons of digital fingerprinting 

  • Digital fingerprints get saved on the server and thus, the user will have to get around a lot of steps before they can block the data collection — meaning it can be perpetual. 
  • Digital fingerprints can often contain enough data to correctly identify an individual, creating genuine privacy issues.