DNS Blocking

DNS blocking refers to a form of mechanism used to block systems on a specific network from accessing specific websites.

DNS blocking often involves identifying the websites and their IP addresses and then blocking them. By doing so, no user on the network can access those blocked websites. DNS blocking is often done as a protective measure against cyberattacks to prevent users from stumbling upon websites that would cause their systems any harm.

It can also be done to prevent any chance of piracy from within and also to block out sites like gambling or porn platforms.

What DNS blocking helps with

  • Malware: A DNS block can help keep out malware attacks. Since malware mostly comes from emails, software and especially websites, a DNS block can help reduce the chances of getting infected.
  • Phishing attacks: DNS blocking can effectively block any websites suspected of being phishing websites. This way the users will never encounter them in their online journey. 

Note that, even as DNS blocking can play a huge role in the mitigation of these types of attacks, it should not be solely relied upon and must only be used as part of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy containing other layers of protection. 

These layers include cybersecurity tools such as email filters, anti-malware software, user education, and best cybersecurity practices.