Dridex Attack

Dridex is a very powerful malware designed to infect Windows-based systems and extract critical financial data. Dridex can propagate via malware-infected sites, phishing emails, infected physical data storage, and drive-by downloads.

Phishing emails, most especially, play a major role in the spread of Dridex. Users unwittingly click and open suspicious files and links, and the malware hops a ride onto their system through unauthorized or even authorized downloads.

Upon installation, Dridex is capable of stealing PINs, credit card numbers, and banking credentials. It can even infect systems remotely, making this kind of attack very deadly and hard to track. 

Ways Dridex can infect your system

  • Phishing emails: Dridex can spread via phishing emails with malicious attachments and links. Once the user opens the email, the download and installation happen automatically.
  • Malware-infected websites: If users visit malware-infected websites unwittingly or knowingly without protection, Dridex can also infect their system.
  • Drive-by downloads: These types of downloads happen without the user’s knowledge
  • USB drives: Compromised external storage devices like the USB drive can be a vehicle for transporting the Dridex malware. 

How to prevent Dridex attacks

  • Use a premium and trustworthy cybersecurity package that comes with anti-malware and anti-phishing features.
  • Ensure that your device’s operating system, the software, and all linked applications are frequently updated. 
  • Be cautious before you open emails from senders you can’t recognize. Do not click on email links.
  • Only use complex and unique passwords,  making sure to change them frequently.
  • Do not visit dodgy websites, as they could contain malware.
  • Always conduct an antivirus scan on any USB drives before you use them, most importantly if you don’t know where they came from.