
A dropper is a kind of trojan virus capable of delivering malware payloads and initiating their installation automatically. Droppers often look harmless to the user and, worse, to antiviruses, making their entry a breeze.

Upon gaining entry, the dropper will unload the malware payload into the system. Droppers are of two types: persistent and non-persistent. The persistent droppers attach themselves to hidden files and set up a continuous access point even if you restart the system. Non-persistent droppers, however, will unload and install their payload and automatically delete themselves.

How do droppers infect systems?

  1. Through the opening of malicious links and attachments.
  2. When you visit malicious websites.
  3. When you connect to infected storage devices.
  4. When you download free software from unreliable sources.

How to prevent droppers

  • Avoid opening emails or downloading any attachments from senders you can’t recognize.
  • Employ the use of extra security software like antimalware software. They can help block any access to malicious sites, reducing the likelihood of encountering and accidentally downloading a dropper. Antimalware software also scans your system regularly for malware or any potential threats. If a dropper hides in an executable file, antimalware software will send the file to an external cloud to execute it there. In this separate cloud, it can check if it’s safe to run in the actual system.