Fileless Attacks

A fileless attack refers to a kind of cyberattack in which the attacker uses harmful code carried out directly in memory or manipulates authorised system tools, instead of orthodox malware that depends on disk-stored files. This sneaky tactic helps fileless attacks avoid detection by many antimalware software and security measures since they do not generate easily identifiable footprints.

Examples of fileless attacks

  • PowerShell exploitation: The hackers often use the in-built Windows PowerShell scripting interface to launch harmful prompts or scripts straight into memory, without leaving behind any trace.
  • Registry manipulation: The attackers will attempt to hide harmful payloads inside the Windows Registry, allowing the attack to linger and launch without creating files on the system.
  • Living off the land: This attack involves leveraging authentic system processes and tools, such as Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), to execute harmful activities without detection.

Preventing fileless attacks

  • Regularly update your system’s software and OS to enable it to keep up with the latest threats.
  • Toggle off the use of scripting interfaces like WMI or PowerShell unless required.
  • Set up airtight user access controls to reduce the range of the attack and lower the chance of any unauthorized access.