Fileless Malware

Fileless malware is a kind of malware that can run without needing a digital file within the affected system. This malware does not use the system’s ROM but is encoded into its RAM instead, leaving no trace. As such, regular antiviruses can’t identify or erase it. Hackers would often use JavaScript to input harmful code into the target systems.

Examples of fileless malware

  • In 1989, the Dark Avenger virus was first discovered. This virus was able to operate primarily in the system’s memory, even though it was first received as a file. It would infect executable files anytime the user copied or ran them. It is also the first-ever known case of this attack.
  • In 2017, the WannaMine cryptocurrency malware came on the scene. It was noted that it had infected servers in large corporations. It infiltrated systems via the unpatched SMB protocol and launched code to mine Moreno — a kind of cryptocurrency.

How to fileless malware

  • Regularly update your device’s OS and software.
  • Be careful of sketchy websites and phishing emails.
  • Install VPN with active antimalware protocols to regularly sane your device for malware.