Form Grabber

Form grabbers are a kind of malicious software created to extract the information users input into web forms on their browsers. It involves multiple critical steps that enable hacker interception and steal private data without detection.

Here are the steps involved in this process:

  • It involves infection, which can occur in several ways, such as malicious downloads, phishing emails, or compromising popularly visited websites. If and when a user unwittingly launches malicious code, they trigger the installation of the form grabber.
  • It targets the web browser of the host system. It does this with a hooking technique with which it intercepts the function call of the browser. This “hooking” enables the malware to inject itself into the communication pathway between the OS and the browser. Anytime the browser tries to send or receive data, the form grabber captures the data before it’s encrypted for transmission over the internet.
  • Now, as users interact with websites, inputting their data, like passwords, credit card details, and usernames, into forms, the form grabber extracts all of it in real time. It is capable of stealing data from any form field before it is sent to the web server.
  • After stealing the target information, the form grabber then transfers it to a remote server controlled by the hacker. As the stolen data exits the device, the hacker ensures it is encrypted so as to hide it from any detection — effectively leaving no traces behind. 

Form grabbers, by virtue of their design, function covertly. This means they are equipped with code that allows them to evade antiviruses and other security measures. They can employ multiple methods to conceal their presence such as pretending to be authentic software processes, editing system files to evade deletion and even hiding their activities with encryption.