Internet Worm

Internet worms are malware capable of self-replication and distributing themselves across a network. It can spread in silence without alerting the user of their presence. 

An internet worm will use computer software bugs to stage an attack on the system. Unlike trojans, Jinternet worms can spread independently and get around a wide variation of network security. 

Examples of the Internet worm

  • Morris worm: The first internet worm which announced its presence with a grand impact, infecting over 6000 systems.
  • WannaCry: This one was used to encrypt Windows users’ files and demand payment to decrypt them.
  • ILOVEYOU or Love Bug or Love Letter worm: It was first started as a love letter sent via email attachments, affecting over 10 million computers.
  • Nimda worm: The Nimda worm caused malicious downloads via LANS and emails and altered existing websites.
  • Code Red worm: The worm was responsible for a DDoS attack on the United State’s White House.
  • MSBlast/Blaster: A very lethal worm that can shut down computers.
  • Sobig worm: This worm spreads via email using commonly used subject lines.
  • Jerusalem/BlackBox worm: It can overtake computer resources and infect .exe files, making them too big to handle.

How to prevent Internet worms

  • Update your OS and software regularly.
  • Install legitimate antimalware software.
  • Be cautious of emails from unknown addresses; do not open or interact with their content.
  • Be careful not to download files or software from unmoderated file-sharing websites.
  • Enable a firewall to block suspicious network traffic effectively.