IP Spoofing

In this cyberattack,  hackers can change the source address of packets to make themselves appear like legitimate IP addresses. With IP spoofing, cybercriminals can execute many different attacks, including DDoS attacks.

Cybercriminals often use IP spoofing as a way to:

  • Hide their identity: IP spoofing can mask the attacker’s actual IP address and, by extension, their location. This makes it very difficult for law enforcement to track them down.
  • Bypass security measures: Several network security measures can restrict access using the IP address. Hackers can simply swap out a blocked address for a spoofed one — essentially bypassing any security protocols.
  • Launch reflection attacks: In these attacks, the attacker sends packets with a spoofed source IP address to a third party. The system directs its response to the spoofed address, which is the real target. A continuous reflection attack can overwhelm the target system and result in a DDoS attack.

Preventing IP spoofing

A famous and notorious example of IP spoofing happened in 2016, involving a DDoS attack on Dyn, a DNS provider. The attackers amplified the attack by utilizing IP spoofing, resulting in large-scale disruption of internet services.

Below are a few steps to take to shield your network from IP spoofing:

  • Employ firewalls and routers to block packets that contain conflicting source address data.
  • Enable cryptographic authentication for vital network services.
  • Monitor your network traffic regularly to identify suspicious activities.