The ultimate radar to ensure paramount digital privacy!
Every technological advancement gives rise to new privacy threats for consumers. Hence, it becomes imperative for everyone to guard their online privacy meticulously. That’s what PrivacyRadar strives for!
Who We Are?
PrivacyRadar is the brainchild of a group of privacy enthusiasts fighting for online freedom for everyone. At PrivacyRadar, we aim to spread awareness about online security, internet privacy, online freedom, and the prevention of unwarranted surveillance.
With a mission to make everyone digitally secure, we strive to provide up-to-date knowledge about the latest privacy trends, security tools, cybersecurity best practices, and quick hacks to ensure online protection even for non-technical internet users.
Our Doctrine – Privacy For All!
At PrivacyRadar, we value privacy for everyone – from whistleblowers and journalists to home users and students. Envisioned with the core concept of a secure online world, our emphasis remains on accessibility, integrity, and transparency.
We do not indulge in making money by exploiting users’ needs for privacy services. Instead, our focus remains on spreading the word about the best privacy tools (like VPNs and antimalware solutions) that play their roles in building a secure, risk-free digital realm.
Therefore, we provide up-to-date information to our readers about the services that resonate with our principles. Every service – VPN, ad blocker, antivirus, network scanner, and other privacy tools – covered at PrivacyRadar has no control over our content. Our team of adept editors and writers conducts their own research about the tools and writes reviews based on their personal experiences as an average consumer.
No reviews, articles, or privacy guides at PrivacyRadar are published with sponsorships. Though we earn a small commission from any purchases made through our affiliate links, rest assured that they do not, and will not, impact our opinions. Our recommendations are always based on our observations and experience through hands-on testing.
Our Team

PrivacyRadar isn’t just an individual effort; rather, we’re a team of privacy geeks tirelessly working to develop informative content for privacy-savvy readers. Using our cybersecurity knowledge, precise analyses, and research skills, we ensure that we provide updated news, reviews, how-tos, and quick tips regarding various privacy aspects.
Here is a quick look at the key members of Team PrivacyRadar; you may also visit Our Team’s page to learn about all the members empowering PrivacyRadar.
PrivacyRadar Work Ethos
PrivacyRadar isn’t just another security blog being run for promoting paid services. Nor are we backed by a conglomerate to review and market own security products.
To be clear, we take pride in our independence!
PrivacyRadar emerged as a standalone platform to fill the gap in the ethical security reviewing niche and to provide users with thorough and honest information. Hence, we assure to test every privacy and security tool available in the market that claims to serve savvy users. Based on our hands-on experience, we develop our guides, reviews, analyses, and articles while striving to spread awareness about online privacy.
None of the VPNs, antimalware solutions, and other services and privacy tools hold any stakes in PrivacyRadar. Nor does any of the products reviewed here impact our opinions or content.
For clarity, PrivacyRadar is the brainchild of a privacy activist who started this venture out of sheer passion. And as the privacy guy moved ahead, he was joined by a group of like-minded privacy freaks, eventually forming the Team PrivacyRadar! None of these individuals hold any financial interests in this platform, nor do they mold the site’s content as per will. Consequently, the content here reflects the team’s enthusiasm for transparency, privacy, and integrity for all!
KISS Privacy
PrivacyRadar isn’t only a staunch supporter of online privacy, rather we KISS privacy! That is, as we intend to make every internet user aware of digital privacy, we follow the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle, creating our content in a simple and understandable language. Leaving aside all the overwhelming jargon, our guides, privacy tips, and how-to’s help you restore your privacy the simple way!
Say No to Sponsorships/Paid Content
We do not outrageously condemn sponsorships, but sponsors eventually influence the goal of transparency and honesty. Therefore, PrivacyRadar never accepts sponsors, nor do we go for doing paid reviews of products and services looking for marketing opportunities.
Our content is driven by our own experience in cybersecurity niche, intellect, and privacy preferences, leaving aside the intention to make money via our words.
Tracking Violates Privacy
As privacy advocates, we know how bad internet tracking is. Hence, PrivacyRadar doesn’t use any web trackers or software that directly or indirectly tracks users across the web. We respect and comply with privacy laws, such as the GDPR and the CCPA, and assure our readers enjoy a safe browsing experience at the site. This platform uses Google Analytics for internal analytical purposes only, without any intention to chase users’ activities.
Ads Are Annoying
Just as we do not accept sponsorships or favor trackers, we do not encourage advertisements as they often violate users’ privacy or may conflict with the content available here. At PrivacyRadar, readers enjoy an interruption-free and ads-free experience.
How We Make Money
You might wonder what we do for a living since we do not accept paid content, sponsors, or ads.
While we strive to establish PrivacyRadar as a free information site, we need certain options to generate money for the site’s continuity. We are grateful to our readers who trust our work and proudly donate to the site.
Besides, we have collaborated with a few affiliates who support the site’s mission and vision and help us run PrivacyRadar without hassle. Rest assured that these affiliates merely support PrivacyRadar’s functioning and do not influence or intend to influence our content.
Where To Find Us
PrivacyRadar monitors digital privacy globally – thanks to our team members located in different regions. Nonetheless, this global presence stems from our headquarters in the UK. So, here’s our address, just in case you want to drop in to say ‘Hi’!
PriacyRadar Ltd
503 14-47 Liverpool Street
United Kingdom
You may also write to us via our email address with any queries, concerns, suggestions, and feedback. We assure we will get back to you as quickly as possible.