Ethics Statement and Editorial Policy

Human Written

Achieving security and privacy is not merely an innate desire in every human, rather it’s a fundamental right for all. As free individuals, we do our best to protect and maintain our privacy – be it our homes, workplaces, or recreational activities. But when it comes to online privacy, most of us fail to achieve our preferred level of security and privacy because of the lack of necessary information – the information to help us actually remain secure and private. That’s the power of accurate information!

Unfortunately, in today’s digital realm, misinformation and disinformation have become so rampant that you can’t really find the info you desire without hassle. To learn what you really need requires your time and effort to look for and analyze the information you get, unless you reach a resource that resonates with your perspectives and cares about providing as accurate information as possible. That’s where you find PrivacyRadar!

Standalone Resource For All Digital Privacy Topics

From the bunch of security blogs and websites available online, our team couldn’t identify a singular platform to rely on for comprehensive information on digital privacy. There are security guides, news resources, and software review sites, but no single platform to cater to the requirements of modern digital users.

Hence, our team, which comprises of cybersecurity advocates and privacy enthusiasts from different walks of life, led by an ardent security freak, shaped – a standalone platform established with the aim to provide users with up-to-date information, news, reviews, and guides to protect their internet security, online privacy, and digital freedom.

Humans Don’t Need to Be Artificially Intelligent

No one can deny the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its usefulness in almost all aspects of human life. But it still remains (and perhaps, will remain) behind humans because of its artificiality, which clearly reflected in everything AI performs – including content generation.

When we say content, we refer to a piece of information meant for human consumption. And that gets more specifically human when we are talking about the content regarding privacy!

AI can never truly comprehend human privacy preferences, which vary from person to person. While some are privacy freaks, some other individuals don’t mind sharing a little about them with everyone. Can AI appropriately answer all these varying queries together? Certainly not!

That’s why, at PrivacyRadar, we believe in serving our fellow humans on our own. Our team inputs all its efforts to craft content that satiates your privacy preferences – no matter what they be!

We respect AI, and genuinely look forward to its advancements, but no, we can’t rely on it to feed PrivacyRadar. Every article, review, tutorial, guide, and how-to is created by our own human team, with information sourced from reliable resources, peer-reviewed publications, and assessed against our own testing criteria and experience.

We commit to not produce any AI-generated content on the site, and will stand by this commitment in the future too.

Diversity – Our totem!

At PrivacyRadar, you’ll find information about every aspect of your digital privacy. Whether it’s about preventing malware threats, fending off web tracking, evading government surveillance or streaming your favorite movies and shows on your preferred platform without restrictions, PrivacyRadar includes comprehensive write-ups about everything.

But how do we achieve this content diversity, we hear you ask?

Well, we owe that to our small yet colorful team that includes avid streamers, privacy experts, security researchers and journalists. Our team isn’t confined in a specific brick and mortar office, rather we reside in different regions of the world, have different lifestyles, perform different jobs, and follow different time zones. Yet, we all are linked together for one common cause – privacy for all! This amalgam of niche diversity and privacy empowers PrivacyRadar to cover every aspect of digital privacy.

Test, Vet, Repeat!

The content available at PrivacyRadar isn’t just the reiteration of randomly picked material from the internet. Instead, our team crafts the content with utmost dedication, leveraging our own experience. The techniques, tips, tricks, and advices shared here are all tested by our team first. This makes us stand by the information available on our website with confidence, simultaneously adding to our credibility for our readers.

Search To Research

Besides necessary vetting for all security and privacy tips and tricks, our team invests time and effort in security research as well. Our radars keep on scanning for privacy lapses, security glitches, and problem areas in the internet privacy realm. This includes identifying weak spots, tracing back the cause(s) behind the security lapses and privacy breaches, suggesting remedial measures, and bringing the matter to public attention for awareness.

For quick reference, the following are some of the key aspects of our research.

  • Awareness about the increasing data breaches and preventive measures.
  • Educating users on personal data safety measures.
  • Sharing safe and private means for unrestricted internet access.
  • Providing guidelines on accessing restricted/blocked content safely.
  • Spreading awareness about digital banking risks and guiding users about secure online banking.
  • Sharing information about government surveillance status globally, especially in the US.

Our Research Methodology

At PrivacyRadar, we have developed rigorous research standards that meet our top-notch editorial criteria. Our research isn’t just about skimming online content. Instead, our team leverages the latest technology tools and facilities to delve deeper into a subject.

Besides, we develop specific research criteria including several parameters and data points to test our hypothesis. We then statistically analyze our observations to reach the results. We further compare our findings with established research studies as available in credible, peer-reviewed sources. This way, we ensure keeping up to our own as well as the global editorial standards to present our research.

Safeguard Editorial Independence

In the competitive and data-hungry digital realm, it isn’t easy to survive while ensuring to serve users without intruding their privacy. Nonetheless, PrivacyRadar aims to provide users with a non-invasive informational resource to protect their privacy, which would be all in vain if we start monetizing our readers ourselves.

But while claiming to not use any web tracker is easy, achieving this in practical is rather difficult because it makes it difficult to generate enough finances for a business, unless one develops a straightforward policy to not involve with any privacy-invasive entities and look for privacy-friendly money-making strategies. Well, that’s what we have done!

At PrivacyRadar, our goal is to offer our readers, visitors, and subscribers an interruption-free experience. Hence, you won’t find any ads on this website – simple as that! Since we do not intend to place advertisements here, we don’t have to follow any particular directions to craft our content or go for biased promotions.

But are ads the only money-generating element to run a site? Certainly not! That’s why we have developed a strict policy to only collaborate with services that resonate with our privacy preferences. To sum up, here’s what we implement to achieve editorial independence.

  •  No paid/sponsored articles or reviews from any companies.
  •  Never show advertisements or promotions.
  • No acceptance of incentives or gifts from companies and their PR team.
  •  News stories are never crafted with specific directions or opinions about a service.
  • No investments/contributions/shares in any of the firms, companies, services, or tools reviewed or recommended via this site.

Keep The Information Up-to-Date

While the editorial team at PrivacyRadar ensures achieving content accuracy to the best of its efforts, there remains a possibility for erroneous information. Such errors may arise from various inevitable reasons, including policy updates at the relevant services, price changes, feature upgrades in software, or simply, a typo error.

Therefore, our team keeps reviewing this site for any corrections, fact checks, and information updates as needed. In case of major updates, readers may find a clear note following the text, mentioning the updated details, as well as a “last updated” date so as to gauge the content’s newness. We expect our readers to keep an eye on these details to stay up-to-date with the latest information.

Besides, we also welcome any feedback regarding content updates if readers find any piece of information stating old or outdated facts.

Have Feedback? Share With Us!

PrivacyRadar is all about serving you – our readers – with viable tips, guides, and product reviews that may help you achieve better privacy. Therefore, your opinions, suggestions, and feedback for the site improvements are always welcomed. You may reach out to us for any queries, suggestions, comments, and feedback via our details shared on the Contact Us page.