Terms of Use

Human Written

PrivacyRadar operates under certain terms and conditions regarding its use and service. To ensure transparency, these Terms of Service are explicitly stated below. Your continued use of this site means that you have thoroughly read and agreed to these terms. In case you do not agree with one or more of the following terms, you are advised to stop browsing this site.

PrivacyRadar is an online informational site making the internet users aware of the digital privacy trends. The site covers comprehensive privacy guide, how-to’s, tutorials on security tools such as VPNs, parental control guides, applying and bypassing app restrictions on specific devices, and other such information which may not be directed towards kids.

Hence, PrivacyRadar expects all its readers to be of age 13 years and above. We have no control over whosoever visits this site. Therefore, your continued use of this site automatically means that you are 13 years or above in age, and are aware of the type of content available here.

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The content available on PrivacyRadar is the sole property of the site and its licensors. Consequently, the intellectual property (IP) rights of all the information published here are owned by PrivacyRadar, unless exceptions apply.

While access to this site is free and with no restrictions, PrivacyRadar does not allow the following acts with its content.

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Nonetheless, users may share and reshare PrivacyRadar articles, guides, and other content on platforms such as social media sites, using the official URLs.

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The content shared on PrivacyRadar serves informational purposes only, and is not, by any means, supposed to provide advices or assurances. By continuing to browse the site, you understand and agree that PrivacyRadar bears no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage to your finances, business, data, and reputation, with regards to PrivacyRadar content.


While the PrivacyRadar team inputs every effort to ensure regular content updates, there still remain possibilities of typographical, technical and factual errors. PrivacyRadar does not provide any guarantees regarding the accuracy of content, and shall not be responsible for any damages/losses arising as a result.

Please read the Disclaimer for more details.


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Any breach of these terms, whether direct or indirect, compels us to take necessary action for appropriate handling of the matter. In this regard, PrivacyRadar reserves the right to suspend access to this website, apply bans on accessing the site, and blocking the IP addresses involved in breach attempts. If required, PrivacyRadar also reserves the right to initiate court proceedings depending upon the severity of the breach.


PrivacyRadar may, at any time, make any changes, modifications, revisions in these terms of use, as well as the Disclaimer and Privacy Policy shared on this site, without prior notifications. You, as the user, are solely responsible to keep yourself updated about the changes by visiting this page regularly.


PrivacyRadar is a registered in the United Kingdom, with specific presence in the United States. Consequently, the service operates under the prevalent US and UK laws, implementing these Terms of Service according to the rules and regulations set forth by the relevant governments.